






  歡迎啦啦加入Long D大家庭,掌聲鼓勵一起努力!

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Can you create a long D blog or Long D club for us? You are the leader!!

小貝 提到...

Long distance love is important for those who are struggling.

So I can only share my own experience but not making a club, since I am not a Long Distance love leader la :)

Sorry for disappointing you

viola 提到...

I think we need to be more serious to long distance relationship, it is not for fun!! There is no different from other kinds of relationship, but need to put more effort to keep the long distance relationship. I appreciate a lot what 小貝 did to preserve their relationship. Sometimes, when u r in love, u will want to share the happiness with others. And I think that is why she writes this blog. Simply, share the sweet time and the happiness of her and her bf.
A long D blog or long D club might not be appropiated la!!